- Fitxer VHDL per a la relització de la Pràctica 5
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Continguts del fitxer
------------------------------------------------------------ -- Circuit : AND Gate -- -- Note : This VHDL program is a structural description -- of the interactive AND Gate -- -- If you are new to VHDL, then notice how the -- program is designed: 1] first we declare the -- ENTITY, which is where we define the inputs -- and the outputs of the circuit. 2] Second -- we present the ARCHITECTURE, which is where -- we describe the behavior and function of -- the circuit. ------------------------------------------------------------ --import std_logic from the IEEE library library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; --ENTITY DECLARATION: name, inputs, outputs entity Porta_AND is port( A, B : in std_logic; F : out std_logic); end Porta_AND; --FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION: how the AND Gate works architecture func of Porta_AND is begin F <= A and B; end func; ---------------------------------------------------------END ---------------------------------------------------------END