Bibliografia i referències
Material de referència per a l'assignatura
Llibres i manuals
Sobre Python
- Introduction to Programming using Python,
The objective of this course is to teach programming concepts to biologists. It is thus aimed at people who are not professional computer scientists, but who need a better control of computers for their own research. This programming course is part of a course in informatics for biology. If you are already a programmer, and if you are just looking for an introduction to Python, you can go to this Python course (in Bioinformatics). - Dive into Python,
Dive Into Python is a Python book for experienced programmers. You can buy a printed copy, read it online, or download it in a variety of formats. It is also available in multiple languages. - How to think like a computer scientist,
- Introducción a la programación con Python
- A Byte of Python,
This book will help you to learn the Python programming language, whether you are new to computers or are an experienced programmer. - Hands-On Python A Tutorial Introduction for Beginners,
- A Quick, Painless Tutorial on the Python Language,
Sobre altres eines de laboratori
- Manuals de Gnome (l'entorn d'escriptori de linux)
- Manual d'emacs (l'editor de textos)
- Tutorial sobre linux (específicament els 6 primers apartats)
- Videos de les classes de l'assignatura Introduction to Computer Science and Programming del MIT. Fantàstics!
Sites web
- Documentació sobre Python
Seu web de referencia per a la documentació sobre python: manual de referència, tutorial, manual de la llibreria, etc. - Try Python
Un interpret (retallat) de python via web. Per fer proves sense instal·lar Python - Beginer Python Programming,
Una col·lecció de videos i tutorials sobre python a nivell introductori.